Dr. László Galgóczy received his PhD in 2008 from the University of
Szeged and held temporary post-doctoral positions at several
institutes prior to joining the Department of Biotechnology at the
Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged in 2018,
where he holds a permanent position now.
During his PhD and postdoc studies he investigated antifungal
proteins from Ascomycetes in several aspects.
He habilitated in Biotechnology in 2020, and has 65 publications in
peer-reviewed journals. The number of independent citations to his
papers exceeds 850 (cumulative impact factor: 149,281 h-index: 19).
In the last few years he participated in many ground breaking
research projects, dealing with the mode of action, the structure,
the biological role, heterologous expression and possible
application of antifungal proteins. Up to now 25 publications in
international peer-reviewed journals have been published on this
Moreover, he disseminated his scientific work at several national and international meetings and conferences.
He is author of 5 book chapters concerning the topic of antifungal proteins, detection of human pathogenic
fungi and security sensitive microbes. He is (was) editorial board member of peer-reviewed international
journals (Microbial Cell Factories, Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers in Fungal Biology, MDPI
Microorganisms, World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases).
Dr. Galgóczy has trained 30 BSc, 17 MSc, 5 PhD students and 3 postdoctoral researchers.
Education / Trainings:
2020: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Department of Biotechnology (Szeged, Hungary) – Doctor
habilis (Biotechnology)
2006: TÜV Rheinland Academy (Budapest, Hungary) –
Environmental Management System Referent; ISO 14001:2004
2003 – 2006: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Doctoral School of Biology (Szeged, Hungary) – PhD
1998 – 2003: University of Szeged, University of Szeged,
Faculty of Science (Szeged, Hungary) – Biologist (Microbiology -
1995 – 1999: Juhász Gyula Teachers Training College (Szeged,
Hungary) – Biology-Chemistry teacher
2024- present: associate professor (University of Szeged, FSCI, Dept. of Biotechnology and
Microbiology; Szeged, Hungary) - permanent university position
2021- 2024: associate professor (University of Szeged, FSCI, Dept. of Biotechnology; Szeged,
Hungary) - permanent university position
2020 – present: Research associate (ELKH Biological Research
Centre, Institute of Biochemistry; Szeged, Hungary) – part-time job
2018 – present: Research associate (University of Szeged, FSCI, Dept. of Biotechnology; Szeged,
Hungary) – permanent university position, full-time job
2018 – 2020: Research associate (HAS Biological Research
Centre, Institute of Plant Biology; Szeged, Hungary) – part-time job
2018: Research associate (HAS Biological Research Centre,
Institute of Plant Biology; Szeged, Hungary) – temporary job
2016 – 2017: Postdoctoral fellow (University of Szeged, FSCI,
Dept. of Microbiology; Szeged, Hungary) – temporary job
2014 – 2016: Postdoctoral fellow (Medical University of
Innsbruck, Biocenter, Div. of Molecular Biology; Innsbruck, Austria)
– temporary job
2010 – 2014: Postdoctoral fellow (University of Szeged, FSCI,
Dept. of Microbiology; Szeged, Hungary) – temporary job
2008 – 2010: Research associate (University of Szeged, FSCI,
Dept. of Microbiology; Szeged, Hungary) – temporary job
2006 – 2008: Departmental co-worker (University of Szeged,
FSI, Dept. of Microbiology; Szeged, Hungary) – temporary job
Teaching activities:
Molecular biotechnology MSc
Biotechnology BSc
Gene technology (microbiology):
- Fungal-based expression systems
- Human pathogenic fungi and diagnostics
- Practical courses and seminars in Microbiology/Biotechnology
Sci-fi: Real and human aspects
Sci-fi: conspiracy theories, fake news and the reality
Supervising BSc, MSc and PhD students
Professional Memberships:
2023 – present: Hungarian Society for Microbiology (member)
2018 – 2023 Hungarian Society for Microbiology (be on the
2012 – present: Hungarian Society for Microbiology (member)
2008 – present: Hungarian Academy of Sciences (public body
2006 – present: Federation of European Microbiological
Societies (member)
2006 – 2018: Hungarian Society for Microbiology (member)
2023 - present: Associate editor, Microbial Cell Factories (BMC, London, UK)
2020 – present: Associate editor, Frontiers in Fungal Biology
(Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne, Switzerland)
2019 – 2020: Associate editor, Frontiers in Microbiology
(Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne, Switzerland)
2018 – 2019: Guest editor, Frontiers in Microbiology
(Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne, Switzerland)
2017 – 2019: Guest editor, MDPI Microorganisms (MDPI AG,
Basel, Switzerland)
2014 – 2018: Editorial board member, International Journal of
Clinical & Medical Microbiology (Graphy Publications, Marathahalli,
2011 – 2019: Editorial board member, World Journal of
Clinical Infectious Diseases (Baishideng Publishing Group Co.,
Beijing, China)
Grants / Scholarships:
2020 – 2024: OTKA Young Researchers’ Excellence Programme
(Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office)
2020: UNKP-20-5 New National Excellence Program (Ministry of
Innovation and Technology, Hungary)
2019: UNKP-19-4 New National Excellence Program (Ministry of
Innovation and Technology, Hungary)
2018: UNKP-18-4 New National Excellence Program (Ministry of
Human Capacities, Hungary)
2018 – 2021: János Bolyai Research Scholarship (Hungarian
Academy of Sciences)
2017 – 2020: OTKA – FWF Bilateral Austrian-Hungarian Joint
Research Project (Hungarian National Research, Development and
Innovation Office)
2016 – 2019: OTKA Postdoctoral Excellence Programme
(Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office)
2014 – 2016: FWF Lise Meitner Postdoctoral Fellowship
(Austrian Science Fund)
2013 – 2014: Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship (
Administrative and Judicial Office, Hungary)
2010 – 2013: OTKA Postdoctoral Fellowship (Hungarian Research
1998: Scholarship of Hungarian Republic (Ministry of
Education, Hungary)
Awards and honours:
2022: Bolyai Plaquette (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2010: Publication Prize of Sigma-Aldrich Hungary 2010, III.
2009: Hungarian Society for Microbiology, article competition
for young scientist, I. place
2008: Best presentation in Fourth Hungarian Conference of
Mycology 2008
2008: Hungarian Society for Microbiology, article competition
for young scientist, II. place
2007: Hungarian Society for Microbiology, article competition
for young scientist, II. place
2005: Hungarian Society for Microbiology, article competition
for young scientist, II. place
Selected publications:
Kovács R, Nagy F, Tóth Z, Forgács L, Tóth L, Váradi G, Tóth GK,
Vadászi K, Borman AM, Majoros L, Galgóczy L. The
Neosartorya fischeri antifungal protein 2 (NFAP2): A new
potential weapon against multidrug-resistant
Candida auris biofilms. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan
14;22(2):771. doi: 10.3390/ijms22020771. PMID: 33466640; PMCID:
Tóth L, Boros É, Poór P, Ördög A, Kele Z, Váradi G, Holzknecht
J, Bratschun-Khan D, Nagy I, Tóth GK, Rákhely G, Marx F,
Galgóczy L. The potential use of the
Penicillium chrysogenum antifungal protein PAF, the
designed variant PAFopt and its γ-core peptide Pγopt in plant
protection. Microb Biotechnol. 2020 Sep;13(5):1403-1414. doi:
10.1111/1751-7915.13559. Epub 2020 Mar 24. PMID: 32207883;
PMCID: PMC7415367.
Kovács R, Holzknecht J, Hargitai Z, Papp C, Farkas A, Borics A,
Tóth L, Váradi G, Tóth GK, Kovács I, Dubrac S, Majoros L, Marx
F, Galgóczy L.In vivo applicability of
Neosartorya fischeri antifungal protein 2 (NFAP2) in
treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Antimicrob Agents
Chemother. 2019 Jan 29;63(2):e01777-18. doi:
10.1128/AAC.01777-18. PMID: 30478163; PMCID: PMC6355578.
Galgóczy L, Borics A, Virágh M, Ficze H, Váradi G, Kele
Z, Marx F. Structural determinants of
Neosartorya fischeri antifungal protein (NFAP) for
folding, stability and antifungal activity. Sci Rep. 2017 May
16;7(1):1963. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02234-w. PMID: 28512317;
PMCID: PMC5434006.
Bende G, Zsindely N, Laczi K, Kristóffy Z, Papp C, Farkas A, Tóth L, Sáringer S, Bodai L, Rákhely G, Marx
F, Galgóczy L. The Neosartorya (Aspergillus) fischeri antifungal protein NFAP2 has low potential to
trigger resistance development in Candida albicans in vitro. Microbiol Spectr. 2025 Jan 7;13(1):e0127324.
doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01273-24. Epub 2024 Nov 19. PMID: 39560388; PMCID: PMC11705825. PubMed
2019 – 2020: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) – MSc Biology teacher
2013 – 2018: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Doctoral School of Biology (Szeged, Hungary) – PhD
2011 – 2013: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) – MSc Biologist (molecular, immune and
2007 – 2011: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) – BSc Biology (Cell and molecular
2020 – present: Postdoctoral fellow (University of Szeged,
FSCI, Dept. of Biotechnology; Szeged, Hungary) – temporary job
2018: Research associate (HAS Biological Research Centre,
Institute of Plant Biology; Szeged, Hungary) – temporary job
2017: Research assistant (University of Szeged, FSCI, Dept.
of Microbiology; Szeged, Hungary) – temporary job
Teaching activities:
Practical courses in Microbiology;
Supervising BSc, MSc students
Professional Memberships:
2020: Hungarian Society for Micology (member)
2014: Hungarian Society for Microbiology (member)
Grants / Scholarships:
2020 – 2023: OTKA Postdoctoral Excellence Programme
(Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office)
2019: FEMS Young Scientist Meeting Grant
2018: FEMS Young Scientist Meeting Grant
2018: Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities, “Fellowship for
the Young National Excellences” 2013: Lóránd Eötvös Student
Awards and honours:
2018: Hungarian Society for Microbiology, article competition
for young scientist, I. place
Selected publications:
Kovács R, Nagy F, Tóth Z, Forgács L, Tóth L, Váradi G,
Tóth GK, Vadászi K, Borman AM, Majoros L, Galgóczy L. The
Neosartorya fischeri antifungal protein 2 (NFAP2): A new
potential weapon against multidrug-resistant
Candida auris biofilms. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan
14;22(2):771. doi: 10.3390/ijms22020771. PMID: 33466640; PMCID:
Tóth L, Váradi G, Boros É, Borics A, Ficze H, Nagy I,
Tóth GK, Rákhely G, Marx F, Galgóczy L. Biofungicidal potential
of Neosartorya (Aspergillus) fischeri antifungal protein
NFAP and novel synthetic γ-core peptides. Front Microbiol. 2020
May 13;11:820. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00820. PMID: 32477291;
PMCID: PMC7237641.
Tóth L, Boros É, Poór P, Ördög A, Kele Z, Váradi G,
Holzknecht J, Bratschun-Khan D, Nagy I, Tóth GK, Rákhely G, Marx
F, Galgóczy L. The potential use of the
Penicillium chrysogenum antifungal protein PAF, the
designed variant PAFopt and its γ-core peptide Pγopt in plant
protection. Microb Biotechnol. 2020 Sep;13(5):1403-1414. doi:
10.1111/1751-7915.13559. Epub 2020 Mar 24. PMID: 32207883;
PMCID: PMC7415367.
Kovács R, Holzknecht J, Hargitai Z, Papp C, Farkas A, Borics A,
Tóth L, Váradi G, Tóth GK, Kovács I, Dubrac S, Majoros L,
Marx F, Galgóczy L. In vivo applicability of
Neosartorya fischeri antifungal protein 2 (NFAP2) in
treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Antimicrob Agents
Chemother. 2019 Jan 29;63(2):e01777-18. doi:
10.1128/AAC.01777-18. PMID: 30478163; PMCID: PMC6355578.
Tóth L, Váradi G, Borics A, Batta G, Kele Z, Vendrinszky
Á, Tóth R, Ficze H, Tóth GK, Vágvölgyi C, Marx F, Galgóczy L.
Anti-candidal activity and functional mapping of recombinant and
synthetic Neosartorya fischeri antifungal protein 2
(NFAP2). Front Microbiol. 2018;9:393. doi:
10.3389/fmicb.2018.00393. PMID: 32477291; PMCID: PMC7237641.
Tóth L, Kele Z, Borics A, Nagy LG, Váradi G, Virágh M,
Takó M, Vágvölgyi C, Galgóczy L. NFAP2, a novel cysteine-rich
anti-yeast protein from Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181:
isolation and characterization. AMB Express. 2016;6:75. doi:
10.1186/s13568-016-0250-8. PMID: 27637945; PMCID: PMC5025423.
2016 - 2021: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Doctoral School of Biology
(Szeged, Hungary) – PhD (Biotechnology)
2014 - 2016: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) – Biology MSc
(molecular, immune and microbiology)
2010 - 2014: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) – Biology BSc
2006 - 2010: Bolyai János High School (Kecskemét, Hungary)
2021 - present: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Department of
Biotechnology (Szeged, Hungary) - Research Associate
Teaching activities:
Practical courses in Biotechnology (in Hungarian and English);
Supervising BSc, MSc students
Postal address: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Department of Biotechnology, H-6726,
Középfasor 52., Szeged, Hungary
Short introduction:
Kinga Dán finished her high school studies in 2016, in Nagy Mózes High School (Kézdivásárhely, Romania).
She was studying biology and pedagogy at Babes-Bolyai University from 2016 to 2019.
After that she got admitted to the University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Biology MSc.
During her MSc studies she investigated the EVH1 domain of PP4 phosphatase.
After finishing the Biology MSc, she started the PhD studies at the Faculty of Science and Informatics,
Institute of Biology, Deparment of Biotechnology.
Education / Trainings:
2021 - present: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Doctoral School of Biology
Hungary) – PhD (Biotechnology)
2019 - 2021: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) –Biology MSc
(molecular, immune and microbiology)
2016 - 2019: Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology (Kolozsvár, Romania) – Biology BSc
2012 - 2016: Nagy Mózes High School
Postal address: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Department of Biotechnology, H-6726,
Középfasor 52., Szeged, Hungary
Education / Trainings:
2022 - present: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Doctoral School of Biology
Hungary) – PhD (Biotechnology)
2013 - 2016: SHARDA University
Greater Noida (India) - Master’s degree in Medical Microbiology
2008 - 2012: University of Rwanda (Rwanda) - Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Microbiology
2004 - 2006: SOPEM Secondary School Rwanda (Rwanda)-
Biology-Chemistry Option
2021: Attended Virtual event on Laboratory animal sciences and obtained certificate.
2020: Attended Forensics middle East & Africa 2020 virtual event and obtained certificate.
2019: Attended 3rd QIAGEN Regional Investigator Forum Conference in South Africa regarding lab
practical hints and obtained certificate.
Attended three months training programme on DNA Forensic
organised by Gujarat Forensic Sciences University and Rwanda Forensic Laboratory and obtained certificate.
Attended training and obtained certificate in Emergency preparedness for first responders managing the
dead organized by international committee of the red cross (ICRC), Rwanda.
2018: Participated in first international conference at Ines-Ruhengeri and obtained certificate in
non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Participated in Curriculum review at Ines-Ruhengeri, department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences
2017 - 2018: Supervisor and assessor of final year research projects of undergraduate students in the
field of microbiology during my lecturing services at INES-Ruhengeri
2017: Obtained Medical License from Rwanda Allied Health Professional council (RAHPC)
2016: Attended Conference and obtained certificate in” Infection control Challenges “a prerequisite for
NABH accreditation in India, at Subharti Medical college.
Attended five days training on Disposal waste management and treatment at Rama Medical College, Hapur, UP,
2015: Attended workshop and obtained the certificate in Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy accredited
by the World Organization Gestosis.
2014: Attended workshop and obtained the certificate in Disease control and prevention at Sharda
2012: Did 6 months internship in Laboratory of Masaka hospital Kicukiro.
2011: Did research work entitled bacteriological study on gingivitis at Microbiology Central Laboratory
of King faisal hospital towards the end of Bachelor’s Degree.
2018 - 2021: Microbiologist at Rwanda Forensic Laboratory
2017 - 2018: Assistant lecturer at Ines-Ruhengeri University as well as Laboratory Supervisor.
2016 - 2017: Per timing Assistant Lecturer at Gitwe University
2015: Laboratory demonstrator and Tutorial assistant during Medical student’s lab work study at
Sharda University
2011 - 2013: Biology and Chemistry Teacher at Star secondary school as well as Laboratory technician
Postal address: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Department of Biotechnology, H-6726,
Középfasor 52., Szeged, Hungary
Short introduction:
Rebeka Papp has been studying at the University of Szeged since
Education / Trainings:
2023 - present: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Doctoral School of Biology (Szeged, Hungary) – PhD
2021 - 2023: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) - Biology MSc
2018 - 2021: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) - Biology BSc
2013 - 2018: Szent Margit Grammar School
Postal address: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Department of Biotechnology, H-6726,
Középfasor 52., Szeged, Hungary
Short introduction:
Richárd Merber Had been studying biology at the University of Szeged since 2018. During his bachelors and
masters programs he was a thesis worker at the Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology and examined
killer toxin producing yeast strains and the toxins' effects on human pathogenic and food spoilage yeasts.
After finishing the masters program, he started his PhD studies at the University of Szeged, Faculty of
Science and Informatics, Doctoral School of Biology at the Department of Biotechnology.
Education / Trainings:
2023 - present: PhD student - University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics, Doctoral School
Biology, Department of Biotechnology (Szeged, Hungary)
2021 - 2023: Biology MSc (molecular-, immune and microbiology) - University of Szeged, Faculty of
and Informatics (Szeged, Hungary)
2018 - 2021: Biology BSc - University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics (Szeged, Hungary)
2014 - 2018: Boronkay György Engineering Technical School and High School (Vác, Hungary)
2022: National Higher Education Scholarship
2019 - 2023: Mentor at The National Union of Students in Hungary (HÖOK)
2021: Demonstrator at the Department of Microbiology, Microbiology laboratory practice for bachelor
2022 - present: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) -
Engineering MSc
2019 - 2022: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) - Biotechnology
Engineering BSc
2017 - 2019: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics (Szeged, Hungary) - Teacher
Education in Biology, Teacher Education in Science and Environment
2013 - 2018: Radnóti Miklós Experimental High School - Chemistry and Biology specialization
Martin Csordós
PhD Student
Tel.: +36 62 546-936
Postal address: University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and
Informatics, Department of Biotechnology, H-6726,
Középfasor 52., Szeged, Hungary